
作者: 时间:2021-04-24



Email: yapingzhang11@qq.com  &  yaping.zhang@gmail.com  &  yapingzhang@kust.edu.cn 


[1] 2004/9–2008/1, 哈尔滨工业大学, 光学工程, 博士(导师:许士文,范志刚)

[2] 2002/9–2004/7, 哈尔滨工业大学, 光学工程, 硕士(导师:范志刚)

[3] 1997/9–2001/7, 长春理工大学, 机械电子工程, 学士



主要研究方向(Research Areas):

数字全息、光学扫描全息,基于面元的CGH,光致聚合物全息膜HOE制备及其特性研究全息打印技术研究等方向(Digital Holography (DH), Optical Scanning Holography (OSH), Polygon-based Computer-generated holography, Polymers, and their applications to 3-D display, 3-D object recognition, holographic printing technology

承担科研项目及完成情况(Select Funding as Principal Investigator (PI)):



[3] 云南省学位委员会、云南省教育厅2022云南省研究生导师团队建设项目,信息光学研究生导师团队(物理学(学硕)),2022/09-2024/09,主持,在研;

[4] 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,220502116265822, 全息三维显示虚拟实验基地, 2022/11-2023/11,主持,在研;

[5] 太阳集团tcy8722十四五规划教材建设项目,现代信息光学(中英双语版),2022/05-2025/05,主持,在研;

[6] 云南省教育厅关于云南省第二批国家级和省级一流本科课程,2021.7,现代信息光学虚拟仿真实验,主持,在研;

[7] 国家自然科学基金地区项目, 61865007,面向全息三维显示的氧化石墨烯聚合物全息特性研究,2019/01-2022/12,主持,结题;

[8] 云南省自然科学基金重点项目,2019FA025光致聚合物全息特性及其全息三维显示的研究,2019/05-2022/06,主持,结题(优);

[9] 云南省自然科学基金面上项目,2018FB101,基于数字全息的三维显示技术机理与实验研究,2018/05-2021/6,主持,结题(优);

[10] 北京振兴计量测试研究所项目,2020530101000949,光学图像识别算法研究,2020/11-2022/11,主持,结题;

[11] 北京振兴计量测试研究所项目,2020530101000946,光学图像测试算法研究,2020/11-2022/11,主持,结题;

[12] 国家自然科学基金地区项目,61565010,计算全息快速算法及其再现像承载器件的机理研究,2016/01-2019/12,主持,结题;

[13] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金:61007061,复杂曲面物体的快速计算全息算法及其三维显示研究,起止时间:2011/01-2013/12,主持,结题;

[14] 太阳集团tcy87222018年校级质量工程虚拟仿真实验培育项目,物理和光电信息技术虚拟仿真实验室,2018.3-2019.3,主持,结题;

[15] 中国高等教育学会高通公司产学合作协同育人项目,201602034024,基于数字全息的液体浓度实时监测实验装置研制,2016/12-2018/6,主持,结题;

[16] 教育部回国留学人员科学基金,KKQA201307001,复杂三维物体计算全息算法研究,起止时间:2013/07-2016/07,主持,结题;

[17] 中国博士后科学基金,20090461386,数字全息光弹应力场检测方法的研究与改进,起止时间:2009/09-2011/07,主持,结题;

[18] 云南省自然科学基金,2008F041M,光学图像的相位互异散斑校正技术研究,起止时间:2009/01-2011/12,主持,结题;

[19] 太阳集团tcy8722人才培养基金,2008-02,气动效应对探测系统性能的影响,起止时间:2008/05-2009/05,主持,结题;

[20] 北京星敏科信息技术有限公司项目,2009530105000180,激光束M2因子测量与分析研究,起止时间:2009/03-2009/12,主持,结题;


[1] 2018/7-2020/8Virginia Tech,访问学者, 合作导师:潘定中(Ting-Chung Poon

[2] 2012/8-2019/8,太阳集团tcy8722,太阳集团见好就收9728,副经理

[3] 2017/6-至今,太阳集团tcy8722,机械工程学科 博导

[4] 2015/10-至今,太阳集团tcy8722,太阳集团见好就收9728物理系,教授

[5] 2009/7-2011/7,浙江大学/美国哈佛大学,博士后,合作导师:丘成桐 (Shing-Tung Yau)

[6] 2009/8-2015/10,太阳集团tcy8722,太阳集团见好就收9728物理系,副教授

[7] 2008/4-2009/7,太阳集团tcy8722,太阳集团见好就收9728物理系,讲师

学术兼职(Service to the profession

[1]2023.1-IEEE Senior Member (IEEE高级会员)

[2] 2025 SPIE Photonics West, OE704: Practical Holography XXXIX: Displays, Materials, and Applications,  San Francisco, California United States, 25 - 30 January, program committee

[3] 2023-2024Optica (formerly OSA)的主题会议Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging的主席 (2023-Program Chair; 2024-General Chair) 

[4] 2022/2021Optica (formerly OSA)的年会Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science Conference (FiO+LS)FiO7 会议主席,(Sub-Committee Chair: 20212022)

[5] 2023-2024 第十四/十五届国际信息光学与光子学学术会议(CIOP)(Optics Frontier—The 14th&15th International Conference on Information Optics and PhotonicsSC11. Optical Imaging, Display and Storage委员会委员(Sub-Committee Member

[6] 2020-2024Optica (formerly OSA)的年会Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science Conference (FiO+LS)的委员会委员(Sub-Committee Member) 

[7] 2022-/2024SPIE/Photonics Asia的委员会委员 ( Committee Member, SPIE Photonics Asia, Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications)

[8] 2024第三届全国电子信息材料与器件大会暨“电子信息与未来”科学家论坛(3th National conference on electronic information materials and devices),委员(光电探测与智能传感),2024412-15日,杭州

[9] 2023,世界光电科学与技术大会(O-WEST2023)的TPC委员20231215-17,成都

[10] 2020-2022Optica (formerly OSA)Topical Meeting on Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging的委员会委员( Committee Member, 2020, 2021, 2022)

[11] 2022-今,云南省物理学会第十四届理事会 理事。

[12] 2022, 5th International Conference on Control and Computer VisionICCCV 2022)指导委员会委员(Steering Committee& Technical Committee Member)

[13] 2021-今,期刊Frontiers in Photonics“Optical Information Processing and Holography”的副编辑(Associate Editor

[14]2023, SCI期刊Applied Optics  JOSAA专刊 “Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging” 编辑 Co-Editor

[15]2021-2022,期刊Fronters in Photonics的专刊“Digital holography: Applications and Emerging Technologies,”编辑(Co-Editor

[16]2018-2022SCI期刊Applied Science专刊“Holography, 3D Imaging and 3D Display I&II” 编辑(Co-Editor

[17]2021.9-SPIE Member

[18]2019.4-OPTICAFormerly OSAMember


[20]2012.12在昆明主办国际会议论坛“3D Holographic Imaging Symposium ”



[23] 2019-今,评审期刊(JOURNAL REVIEWER)

Light: Science& Applications, Optics Letters, Applied Optics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Advanced Photonics Research, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Optics Express, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Chinese Optics Letters, Photonics Journal, Applied Sciences, Results in Physics, Displays, Frontiers in Physics, Sensors, Optics Communications, Optik, Journal of Materials Science, Advanced Science, Opto-Electronic Science




1.代表性大会 邀请报告(Invited Talks

[1] 2024 SPIE Photonics West: San Francisco, US, Jan. 27 - Feb. 1. 题目:The effect of single-walled carbon nanotubes on polymethyl methacrylate photopolymers in hologram storage[Invited], 31 January 2024, San Francisco, California, US, Jan. 27- Feb. 1, 2024

[2] 2023 IWHInternational Workshop on Holography and related technologies (IWH2022&2023), Fuzhou, China, Dec. 5-8, 2023, 题目: Off-axis optical scanning holography (OSH) under coherent mode of operation [Invited]

[3] 2023 SPIE 国际光子学欧洲会议(International Congress on Photonics in Europe),2023625-29日,德国,慕尼黑,题目:Optical scanning approach to image processing and holography [Invited]

[4] 2023 中国光学学会全息与光信息处理专委会学术年会, 题目: Texture mapping in Polygon-based CGH [Invited], ( Annual Meeting of Holography and Optical Information Processing Committee of The Chinese Optical Society), 26 – 28 July 2023, Jinggangshan, Jiangxi, China

[5] 2023全国高校光电类专业教育论坛(南昌),20236月,新时代 新部署 新任务 构建光电学科人才自主培养新模式,题目:现代信息光学虚拟仿真实验国家级一流本科课程的建设与实践[Invited]

[6]  2021 SPIE/COS: Photonics Asia, Nantong, China, 12 - 16 October. 题目:Review on edge extraction as pre-processing in optical scanning holography [Invited]

[7] 2021 OSA Topical Meeting on Digital Holography and 3D Imaging Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 19 - 23 July. 题目:Holographic properties and display of photopolymer with high concentration photo-initiator doped with SiO2 Nanoparticles [Invited]

[8] 2021 CIOP: Optics Frontier: the 12th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, Xi’an, China. 23-26, July. 题目:Image edge extraction using dual acousto-optic modulators in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer [Invited]  

[9] 2020 SPIE/COS: Photonics Asia, Beijing, China, 12 - 16 October. 题目:Holographic performances of graphene oxide photopolymer [Invited]

[10] 2019 OSA: Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS Conference (FiO+LS), Washington DC, USA, 16-19 September. 题目:Research on Computer-Generated Holography Based on Polygons [Invited]

[11]2019 SPIE/COS: Photonics Asia, Hangzhou, China, 20-23 October. 题目:Optical scanning holography: a review of fundamentals with some recent applications [Invited]

2. 著作/教材(Books)

[1] Yaping Zhang and Ting-Chung Poon, Modern Information Optics with MATLABCo-published by Cambridge University Press (U. K.) and Higher Education Press (China), 2023,1325页,ISBN: 9781316511596

[2] 张亚萍,潘定中, 现代信息光学(MATLAB),中文版, 高等教育出版社,2023.5396页,360千字,ISBN9787040595932

[3] Ting-Chung Poon, Yaping Zhang, Liangcai Cao, and Hiroshi Yoshikawa, Holography, 3D Imaging and 3D Display (Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Applied Sciences), 364, MDPI AG2021.2.19 printed. ISBN: 978-3-03943-595-1

[4] 张亚萍,许蔚,刘燕, 光学扫描全息(MATLAB) (Translation of the book “Optical Scanning Holography with MATLAB” by Ting-Chung Poon, Springer), 科学出版社(China Science Press), 2023-10-1111页,ISBN: 978-7-030748812

[5] Peter Wai Ming Tsang, Ting-Chung Poon, Yaping Zhang and Pietro Ferraro, ed., “Digital holography: Applications and emerging technologies” Frontiers in Photonics, 158(July 2023).  ISBN978-2-83250-921-0

[6] 张亚萍,刘燕,许蔚, 工程光学(MATLAB) (Translation of the book “Engineering Optics with MATLAB” by T.-C. Poon and T. Kim, World Scientific), 科学出版社China Science Press, 202431日,205页,ISBN: 9787030782007

[7] 许蔚,李洛克, 邹永松,张亚萍,杜韦,李佐卫,云南高等院校课程思政建设研究与实践,云南人民出版社,2022.9380千字,ISBN9787222211049

3. SCI/EI期刊文章(Select journal papers)(*denotes corresponding author):

[1]  Yongwei Yao, Yaping Zhang*, Qingyang Fu, Jilu Duan, Bing Zhang, Liangcai Cao, and Ting-chung Poon, "Adaptive layer-based computer-generated holograms," Opt. Lett. 49, 1481-1484 (2024)

[2]  He, Wanxiang, Defa Liu, Hang Chen, Jundi Wang, Yaping Zhang*, and Bing Zhang*. 2024. "Analysis of Polarization Angle on Holographic Recording Based on PQ/PMMA" Polymers, 2024; 16(6):821Impact factor:5.0

[3] Yongwei Yao, Yaping Zhang*, Ting-Chung Poon, Layer-mesh-based holograms for fast generation and high-quality reconstruction, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 175 (2024) 108027Impact factor:5.666

[4] Pierre-Alexandre Blanche, Chau-Jern Cheng, Pietro Ferraro, Yaping Zhang, and Zhehui (Jeph) Wang, "Digital Holography and 3D Imaging: introduction to the joint feature issue in Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 41, DH1-DH1 (2024) Impact factor:1.9

[5] Wenlong Qin, Qinyang Fu, Yaping Zhang*, Bing Zhang, Pin Wang, Ting-Chung Poon, and Xianfeng Gu, "Rendering of 3D scenes in analytical polygon-based computer holography with texture mapping," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 41, A32-A39 (2024) Impact factor:1.9

[6] Junchang Li, Yaping Zhang*, Ting-Chung Poon, On the relation between Abbe's theory and Rayleigh diffraction in coherent imaging through the use of Collins’ Integral, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 173,2024,107898Impact factor:5.666

[7] Wang, J.; Fu, Q.; Zhang, Y.*; Zhang*, B. Holographic Properties of Irgacure 784/PMMA Photopolymer Doped with SiO2 Nanoparticles [Invited]. Polymers 2023, 15, 4391Impact factor:5.0

[8] Duan, J., Zhang, Y.*, Yao, Y., Fu, Q., Zhang, B., Tsang, P. W. M., Poon, Ting-Chung, Comparison of adaptive optical scanning holography based on new evaluation methods, Scientific Reports 13, 19700 (2023) Impact factor: 4.6

[9] Wang P, Fan H, Zhang Y*, Yao Y, Zhang B, Qin W, Poon T-C. Isotropic Two-Dimensional Differentiation Based on Dual Dynamic Volume Holograms. Photonics. 2023; 10(7):828Impact factor: 2.4

[10] Qingyang Fu, Yaping Zhang*, Bing Zhang, Wenlong Qin, Xianfeng Gu, and Ting-Chung Poon, "Efficient rendering by parallelogram-approximation for full analytical polygon-based computer-generated holography using planar texture mapping," Opt. Express 31, 24537-24554 (2023) Impact factor:3.4

[11] Jung-Ping Liu*, Chieh-Cheng Lee, Yaping Zhang, Yongwei Yao, Ting-Chung Poon, Single recording without heterodyning in optical scanning holography, Optics & Laser Technology, Vol.161, 2023, 109194, Impact factor:4.939

[12] Y. Zhang*; Y. Yao; J. Zhang; J. Liu and T.-C. Poon, “Off-axis optical scanning holography [Invited],” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 39(2): A44-A51(2022). Impact factor: 2.104 

[13] H. Fan, B. Zhang, Y. Zhang*, F. Wang, W. Qin, Q, Fu, and T.-C. Poon, “Fast 3D Analytical Affine Transformation for Polygon-Based Computer-Generated Holograms,” Applied Sciences 12(14):6873 (2022). Impact factor: 2.838

[14] Jung-Ping Liu*, Chen-Ming Tsai, Ting-Chung Poon, P.W.M. Tsang, and Yaping Zhang, “Three-dimensional imaging by interferenceless optical scanning holography,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Volume 158,107183, (2022). Impact factor: 5.666

[15] Tatsuki Tahara*, Yaping Zhang, Joseph Rosen, Vijayakumar Anand, Liangcai Cao, Jiachen Wu, Takako Koujin, Atsushi Matsuda, Ayumi Ishii, Yuichi Kozawa, Ryo Okamoto, Ryutaro Oi, Teruyoshi Nobukawa, Kihong Choi, Masatoshi Imbe, and Ting-Chung Poon, “Roadmap of incoherent digital holography,” Applied Physics B 128, Article number:193 (2022). Impact factor: 2.171  

[16] PWM Tsang*, T.-C. Poon, Y. Zhang, and P. Ferraro, “Editorial: Digital holography: Applications and Emerging Technologies,” Fronters in Photonics 3:1073297. doi: 10.3389/fphot.2022.1073297

[17] T. Hu*, I. R. Baxendale, Y. Su, F. Li, S. Duan, Y. Zhang & H. Fan, “Tracking on crystallization process of doped metal oxide IATO to optimize solvothermal condition,” Applied Physics A 128, 371 (2022). Impact factor: 2.983

[18] Y. Zhang*; H. Fan, and T.-C. Poon, “Optical image processing using acousto-optic modulators as programmable volume holograms: a review [Invited],” Chinese Optics Letters 20(2): 021101-1(2022). Impact factor: 2.560

[19] Y. Zhang*, H. Fan, F. Wang, X. Gu, X. Qian and T.-C. Poon, “Polygon-based computer-generated holography: a review of fundamentals and recent progress [Invited],” Applied Optics, 61(5): B363-B374 (2022). Impact factor:1.905

[20] F. Wang*, T. Shimobaba, Y. Zhang, T. Kakue, and T. Ito, “Acceleration of Polygon-Based Computer-Generated Holograms Using Look-Up Tables and Reduction of the Table Size Via Principal Component Analysis,” Optics Express 29(22), 35442-35455 (2021). Impact factor: 3.833

[21] H. Zhang*, Y. Zhang*, L. Wang, Z. Hu, W. Zhou, P. Tsang, D. Cao, and T.-C. Poon, “Study of Image Classification Accuracy with Fourier Ptychography,” Applied Sciences 11, 4500 (2021). Impact factor: 2.838

[22] T.-C. Poon, Y. Zhang*, L. Cao, and H. Yoshikawa, “Editorial on Special Issue “Holography, 3-D Imaging and 3-D Display,” Applied Sciences 10, 7057 (2020). Impact factor: 2.838

[23] T. Hu*, Y. Su, I. Baxendale, Y. Zhang, and J. Zhu, “The design and Preparation of Transparent Hybrid Composite Thin Films with Excellent Optical Properties and Improved Thermal Insulation by Optimized Combination of Nanomaterials,” Journal of electronic materials, 49(3), 2020. Impact factor: 2.047

[24] Y. Zhang*, R. Wang, P. Tsang, and T.-C. Poon, “Sectioning with edge extraction in optical incoherent imaging processing,” OSA Continuum, 4(3): 698-708 (2020).

[25] X. Zhu, W. Fang, J. Lei, Z. Li, F. Xie, Y. Cao, Y. Zhang, F. Qin*, and X. Li, “Supercritical lens array in a centimeter scale patterned with maskless UV lithography,” Optics Letters, 7(45): 1798-1801 (2020) – Impact factor: 3.560

[26] X. Zhu, S. Wang, C. Li, Y. Zhang*, W. Fang, Y. Lu, C. Guo, R.e Wang, Y. Zhang, W. Xu, X. Li, and T.-C. Poon “Vortex beam generation from reduced graphene oxide (rGO)-polymer,” Optical Materials Express, 9(12)97-4505 (2019) – Impact factor : 3.074

[27] Y. Zhang, T.-C. Poon, P. Tsang*, R. Wang, and L. Wang, “Review on Feature Extraction for 3-D Incoherent Image Processing Using Optical Scanning Holography,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (11), 6146-6154 (2019) – Impact factor: 11.648

[28] Y. Zhang*, F. Wang*, T.-C. Poon, S. Fan, and W. Xu, "Fast generation of full analytical polygon-based computer-generated holograms," Optics Express 26(15), 19206-19224 (2018) - Impact factor: 3.833

[29] R. Wang, Y. Zhang*, X. Zhu, F. Wang, C. Li, Y. Zhang, W. Xu,“ Multi-section images parallel encryption based on optical scanning holographic cryptography technology,” Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68(11): 114202. doi:10.7498/aps.68. 20190162

[30] R. Wang, Y. Zhang*, F. Wang, X. Zhu, .C Li, Y. Zhang, and W. Xu., “Edge Extraction Based on Optical Scanning Holography System with Annular Pupils,” [J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2019, 46(1): 0109001

[31] F. Wang, Y. Zhang*, H. Wang, W. Xu, Y. Zhang, and C. Li, “Nondestructive evaluation of residual stress via digital holographic photoelasticity,” J. Optics, 47, pp. 547-552 (2018). (EI)

[32] S. Fan, Y. Zhang*, F. Wang, Y. Gao, X. Qian, Y. Zhang, W. Xu, and L. Cao. “Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm and angular spectrum layer-oriented method for true color three-dimensional display,” Acta Physica Sinica 67 (9): 94203-094203 (2018) SCI.

[33] F. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Yang, Y. Guo, Y. Zhang*, “Research on Spatial coherence of light source based on Matlab simulation algorithm,” Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 54, 092601, 2017: 1-8 (in Chinese). Impact factor: 1.509

[34] W. Yang, Q. Song, Y. Zhang* et al., “Research on the Non-Color Aliasing Real-Time Acquisition with Color Digital Holography Measurement,” Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 52(3): 030901 (2015). Impact factor: 1.509

[35] Y. Zhang*, P. Wang et al., “Computer-generated-hologram-accelerated computing method based on mixed programming,” Chinese Optics Letters, 12(3): 030902 (2014)– Impact factor: 2.560

[36] Y. Zhang*, J. Zhang, et al. “Research on three-dimensional computer-generated holographic algorithm based on conformal geometry theory,” Optics Communications 309: 196-200 (2013) – Impact factor: 2.335

[37] Y. Zhang*, J Li, et al. “Eliminate the influence of zero-order diffraction for wavefront reconstruction with selectable magnification in digital holographic,” Optical and Quantum Electronics 45(10): 1077-1086 (2013) – Impact factor: 2.794

[38] Y. Zhang*, J. Zhang et al., “Fast computer-generated hologram algorithm of triangle mesh models,” Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2013, 40(7): 189-194. Impact factor: 1.655

[39] Y. Zhang*, J. Zhang, W. Xu, J. Gui, Y. Lou, and Y. Zhang, “Elimination of the Influence of Zero-Order Diffraction Using Highpass Filter in Wavefront Reconstruction,” Acta Optica Sinica, 2011, 11(31): 1-6. Impact factor: 1.758

[40] Y. Zhang*, Y. Liu, and S. Wang. “Digital Mirror Device Application in Reduction of Wave-front Phase Errors,” Sensors 9(4): 2345-2351 (2009) – Impact factor: 3.847

[41] Y. Zhang*, Z. Fan, and W. Xu. “Modification of Coherent Gradient Sensing (CGS) to Accurately Get the Fringe Order,” Key Engineering Materials, 2006, 326-328: 171-174. (SCI)

[42] J Li, Y Zhang*, et al., “High quality digital holographic wave-front reconstruction system,” Acta Physica Sinica 58(8): 5385-5391 (2009). Impact factor: 1.758

4. 代表性会议文章(CONFERENCE PAPERS) (*denotes corresponding author)

[1] Yaping Zhang*, Defa Liu, and Bing Zhang, The effect of single-walled carbon nanotubes on polymethyl methacrylate photopolymers in hologram storage (Invited Paper), 31 January 2024, San Francisco, California, US, Proc. SPIE 12910, Practical Holography XXXVIII: Displays, Materials, and Applications, 129100F (13 March 2024)

[2] Wang J. , Zhang Y.* and Zhang B. Investigation of photopolymers with nano-diamonds. In SPIE/COS Photonics Asia (Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications XIII), 15 October 2023; Paper 12768-16

[3] Y. Yao, Yaping Zhang*, J. Liu, and T. Poon, "Edge Extraction in Off-Axis Optical Scanning Holography," in Optica Imaging Congress (3D, COSI, DH, FLatOptics, IS, pcAOP), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper HM4C.1. August, 14-17, US – Boston

[4] Ting-Chung Poon, Yaping Zhang*, "Optical scanning approach to image processing and holography," Proc. SPIE 12624, Digital Optical Technologies 2023, 126240G (7 August 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2679018

[5] J. Liu*, C. Tsai, T. Poon, P. W. M. Tsang, and Y. Zhang, "Holographic Imaging by Single-Beam Scanning without Interference," in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2022 (FIO, LS), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JW5B.48.

[6] Wenlong Qin, Yaping Zhang*, Bing Zhang, Qingyang Fu, and Ting-Chung Poon "Fast texture mapping for analytical polygon-based computer-generated holography", Proc. SPIE 12318, Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications XII, 123181R (19 December 2022); 

[7] Yongwei Yao, Yaping Zhang*, and Ting-Chung Poon "Optical tomography in coherent off-axis scanning holography", Proc. SPIE 12318, Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications XII, 123181L (19 December 2022);

[8] Y. Yao, Y. Zhang*, and T. Poon, "Two-pupil optical heterodyne scanning holographic system with highpass filtering pupils," in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2022 (FIO, LS), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JTu4B.49.

[9] Q. Fu, Y. Zhang, B. Zhang*, and T. Poon, "Texture Mapping Based on Planar Projection Mapping in fully analytic polygon-based computer-generated holography," in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2022 (FIO, LS), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JTu4B.51.

[10] Y. Zhang*, H. Chen, J. Zhang, and Y. Zhang, "Holographic properties and display of photopolymer with high concentration photoinitiator doped with SiO2 Nanoparticles [Invited]," in OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2021, paper DTh1C.3.

[11] Y. Zhang*, Y. Yao, B. Wang, H. Fan, and T.-C. Poon "Review on edge extraction as pre-processing in optical scanning holography [Invited]", Proc. SPIE 11898, Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications XI, 118980J (9 October 2021)

[12] Yaping Zhang*, Xufeng Zhu, Ting-Chung Poon, "Holographic performances of graphene oxide photopolymer," Proc. SPIE 11551, Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications X, 115510D (15 October 2020)

[13] Y. Zhang*, R. Wang, L. Wang*, P Tsang and T Poon, “Annular pupil in optical scanning holography,” in May, 2019 OSA Topical Meeting on Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, Paper W1A.5, Bordeaux, France.

[14] R. Wang, Y. Zhang*, and T. Poon, “Edge extraction of multi-section objects in optical scanning holography,” 2019 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pp.2385-2387 IEEE-ISIE (June, 2019), Vancouver, Canada.

[15] Yaping Zhang*, Full analytical triangle-based Computer-generated Holography, 2018 CIOP: Optics Frontier: the 10th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, July 8-11, Beijing, China

[16] J Zhang, Y Zhang*, P Wang, “A new algorithm for holographic interferometry,” Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO), IEEE, 2012: 1-4. (EI)

[17] Y Zhang* and Z Fan. Optics Correction Based on MOEMS and PDS. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems. 2006: 585-589 (EI).


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6. 软件著作权(SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT(*denotes corresponding author)

[1] 钱晓凡;张亚萍*,动态同轴全息记录与显示虚拟仿真实验系统V1.0 (Xiaofan Qian, Yaping Zhang*, Virtual Simulation Experiment System for Dynamic Coaxial Holographic Recording and Display, V1.0, Software copyright, China), 软件著作权(Software copyrighted 2021-06-16,中国,2021SR0899699, 2021-06-16.

[2] 钱晓凡;张亚萍*,基于离轴全息的记录与再现虚拟仿真实验系统(Xiaofan Qian, Yaping Zhang* , Virtual simulation experiment system for recording and reconstruction based on off-axis holography, Software copyright, China),软件著作权(Software copyrighted 2021-05-27),中国,V1.0,2021SR0779596, 2021-05-27.

