
作者: 时间:2022-06-02


Email: zsczhao@126.com ; zhaosc@kmust.edu.cn








士生导师,凝聚态物理硕士点负责人。研究领域为光量子物理及量子光学,涉及凝聚态物质热光电性质和光电子材料。目前在超材料的微观实现理论与应用、光合效应能量输运的微观机理、量子光伏效应的优化理论等方面开展工作。截止目前已在《New Journal of Physics》,《Annalen der Physik》,《Results in Physics》等专业领域知名学术刊物上发表学术论文70多篇,其中SCI检索近60余篇;被国际同行他引200多次,主持国家自科基金3项、省部级项目2项;参与国家自科基金3项、省部级项目2项;参编教材1部。应邀为国内外知名物理期刊评审人。国家自然科学基金函评专家、教育部学位中心评审专家、云南省应用基础项目评审专家、省外自然科学基金评审专家、昆明市科技项目评审专家。承担研究生课程《高等量子力学》、《量子光学》,本科生专业核心课程《数学物理方法》(该课程入选国内一流课程建设)、《大学物理》等。2015年获“红云园丁”优秀教师奖。




3.国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号No: 62065009):量子热机描述的量子点光电池高效光电转换及计算研究,在研,主持;


5.国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号No: 61168001):基于光子晶体光纤的无序介质激光机理的研究,结题,参加;

6.国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号No: 60768001):单光子激光的新机理研究,结题,参加;







1. Lu-Xin Xu, Shun-Cai Zhao*, Sheng-Nan Zhu, and Lin-Jie Chen. Differentiation of correlated fluctuations in site energy on excitation energy transfer in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes. Results in Physics, 38 (7): 105597, 2022.

2. Sheng-Qiang Zhong; Shun-Cai Zhao*; Sheng-Nan Zhu. Photovoltaic performances in a cavity-coupled double quantum dots photocell. Results in Physics, 27(7):104503, 2021.

3. Sheng-Qiang Zhong; Shun-Cai Zhao*; Sheng-Nan Zhu. Photovoltaic properties enhanced by the tunneling effect in a coupled quantum dot photocell. Results in Physics, 24(4): 104094, 2021.

4.Shun-Cai Zhao*; Jing-Yi Chen; Xin Li. Different roles of quantum interference in a quantum dot photocell with two intermediate bands. Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 135(892): 1-10, 2020.

5.Jing-Yi Chen; Shun-Cai Zhao* Radiative recombination rate suppressed in a quantum photocell with three electron donors. Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 135(92): 1-8, 2020.

6.Shun-Cai Zhao*; Xin Li. Monochromatic Composite Right/Left Handedness in the Quantized Composite Right/Left Handed Transmission Line. Annalen der Physik, 531(12): 1900495, 2019.

7.Shun-Cai Zhao*; Jing-Yi Chen. Enhanced quantum yields and efficiency in a quantum dot photocell modeled by a multi-level system. New Journal of Physics, 21(6): 103015, 2019.

8.Shun-Cai Zhao*; Qi-Xuan Wu. High quantum yields generated by a multi-band quantum dot photocell. Superlattices and Microstructures, 137(3): 106329, 2019.

9.Shun-Cai Zhao*; Hong-Wei Guo; Xiao-Jing Wei. The manipulated left-handedness in a rare-earth-ion-doped optical fiber by the incoherent pumping field. Optics Communications, 400: 30-33, 2017.

10.Shun-Cai Zhao*; et.al. Negative Refraction with Little Loss Manipulated by the Voltage and Pulsed Laser in Double Quantum Dots. Prog. Theor. Phys., 128(2): 243-250, 2012.

11.Shun-Cai Zhao*, Negative refraction with absorption suppressed by EIT in a left-handed atomic system. Science China, 55(2): 213-218, 2012.

12.Shun-Cai Zhao*; Zheng-Dong Liu*; Qi-Xuan Wu. Zero absorption and a large negative refractive index in a left-handed four-level atomic medium. Journal of Physics B, 43(4): 455051-455057, 2010.

13. Shun-Cai Zhao*, Xin Li, Ping Yang, and Qi-Xuan Wu. Dual peaks evolving into a single-peak for subwavelength 2-D atom localization in a V-type atomic system. Chinese Journal of Physics, 55:1055–1061, 2017.

14. Xiao-Jing Wei and Shun-Cai Zhao*. Left-handedness in the balanced/unbalanced resonance conditions of a quantized composite right-left handed transmission line. Eur. Phys. J. B, 93(81):1–6, 2020.

15. Shun-Cai Zhao*; Hong-Wei Guo; Xiao-Jing WeiNegative refraction index of the mesoscopic left-handed transmission line in the thermal Fock state. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 49(6): 222, 2017.

16. Ling-Fang Li; Shun-Cai Zhao*. Influence of the coupled-dipoles on photosynthetic performance in a photosynthetic quantum heat engine. Chin. Phys. B, 30(4): 044215, 2021.

17. Shun-Cai Zhao*; Xin Li; Ping Yang. Localization of cold Rb-87 atom simulated by a three-level quantum system within half-wavelength domain. Superlattices and Microstructures, 106(4): 184-188, 2017.

